The purpose of the interim report is to transparently inform our internal and external stakeholders on the sustainable progress by the companies of the ALDI North Group. The structure of the is based on the recommendations of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and comply with the requested Communication on Progress. The report covers the four fields of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption as well as the Ten Principles of the UNGC. The next sustainability report is scheduled for 2020.
The editor of the report is ALDI Einkauf GmbH & Co. oHG, Essen (hereinafter referred to as ALDI Einkauf). Partners of ALDI Einkauf are in particular the ALDI companies with the legal structure of GmbH & Co. KGs (limited partnership with a limited liability company as general partner), forming a group of equal subsidiaries in Germany. The foreign ALDI companies are licensees of ALDI Einkauf. All of these legally independent companies constitute the ALDI North Group which is the subject matter of this report. Any deviations within individual key figures or contents are marked accordingly. The procurement of goods for ALDI Luxemburg is effected by the commissioned purchasing and logistics division of ALDI Belgium. ALDI Luxemburg and ALDI Belgium, however, are legally independent companies whose figures were added regularly in the tables of this report for reasons of convenience. The period under review is from 1st January until 31st December 2018. The editorial deadline is 31st March 2019.
The report is available as a PDF document in German and further languages. In the interest of readability, the legal structure of companies is not specified and only the masculine form is used in the report with both genders being referred to on equal terms.
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