Across the world, around one whole truckload of plastic is dumped into the oceans every minute – that ends up being some eight million kilos of plastic a year. Through UV radiation and waves, the plastic is ground into little particles that are steadily turning our oceans into a plastic soup. The Plastic Soup Foundation in the Netherlands has made it their goal to stop this development through information campaigns, educational efforts and innovative solutions. We are on board!
Helping fight the global problem of plastic waste – that was what we had in mind when we decided in 2017 to discontinue the disposable plastic bag at ALDI North. These bags will steadily disappear from our stores by the end of 2018. The switch to our new reusable shopping bag is currently under way. As it will take some time before the plastic bags have been withdrawn entirely, the price for disposable shopping bags in the Netherlands has been raised in the meantime from 15 to 25 cents. The majority of the additional proceeds will be donated to the Plastic Soup Foundation.
“We want future generations to live in a clean and healthy environment. The Plastic Soup Foundation’s new educational programme teaches children in a playful way how important it is to protect our seas and oceans.”
Nadie Winde, Manager Corporate Responsibility in the Netherlands
The foundation used the money to introduce a new free educational programme for primary schools in 2018. The programme is based on a Plastic Soup Box that contains exciting teaching materials about plastic waste. The schools also receive a special issue of the children’s magazine Kidsweek and access to an online platform with digital lessons, videos and games. Through the new educational programme, the Plastic Soup Foundation aims to inform ten thousand children about the problem of plastic waste.
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